Mart-Tex, Inc.
"Quality contract and custom printing
for the apparel industry for over 25 years."

Samples: Special Effects

Crystalina & High Density Crystalina and High Density on top of a flat, multi-color print. This sample goes to show how a basic design can take on a whole new life by combining special effects and more traditional printing.
Stacked High Density Stacked High Density on top of a flat print. This technique demonstrates the extra dimension that can be achieved by using 2 thick layers of high density on top of each other.
Clear Gel & High Density Clear Gel and HighDensity on top of a flat print. This example has some dimension, but also gets an eye-catching shine that tends to look wet. A great addition to any standard promotional print with a plain-looking logo.


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please visit "Contact Us" to call and request one.